10 Ways to Boost Your Testosterone Levels Naturally With These Foods

5 min readMar 20, 2023


Testosterone is a male sex hormone that helps you build muscle, lose weight, and boost your libido. Low testosterone levels can cause a number of problems, including erectile dysfunction, fatigue, depression, and sex drive issues.

Thankfully, there are several foods that can help you get your testosterone level back on track. Here are 10 of the best:

1. Milk

Milk is a rich source of protein, calcium, vitamin D, and other nutrients that support testosterone production. It also contains probiotics, which are essential for healthy gut function and are associated with an increased sperm count.

It can also help reduce stress, which can impact testosterone levels. Its vitamin C and B vitamins can help boost a person’s immune system and prevent inflammation.

Soy foods are high in phytoestrogen isoflavones, which mimic the effects of estrogen. They can decrease the activity of androgen receptors that testosterone binds to, which can result in reduced levels.

It is a common dietary culprit of low testosterone levels, especially in men with insulin resistance. It can also affect your endocrine system and sperm quality by negatively impacting testicular function.

2. Honey

Honey is an excellent source of boron, which is associated with boosting testosterone levels. It also contains nitric oxide that helps improve blood flow in the penile chambers.

Testosterone is an important steroid hormone that plays a significant role in sexuality, muscle growth, brain function and hair growth among other things. Maintaining a healthy level of this hormone throughout life is crucial to your overall health and well-being.

In addition, stress is another factor that can lower testosterone levels in the body. If you’re struggling with low t-levels, find healthy ways to deal with stress and focus on finding balance in your life.

3. Whey Protein

Known for its muscle-building properties, whey protein is a great addition to your diet. It’s packed with amino acids and has a high Biological Value (BV), which means it absorbs quickly.

Getting enough protein is essential for healthy testosterone levels, so make sure you eat enough each day. It also promotes satiety, so you don’t overeat and will help keep your weight in check.

It’s easy to get your protein from a variety of sources, including eggs and beans. But if you’re looking for an even easier way to boost your protein intake, try a whey protein powder.

4. Wheat Bran

Adding wheat bran to your cereals like oatmeal, cornflakes bowls, and yogurt parfaits is a great way to boost your fiber intake. Plus, it’s rich in B vitamins and other nutrients.

A healthy dose of wheat bran can also help improve bowel function. It can reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and improve digestive health.

It can also lower blood pressure and prevent cancer of the colon. It’s a rich source of dietary fibre and antioxidants such as manganese, magnesium, and selenium.

5. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a great source of protein, fiber, and essential vitamins. They also have a high amount of iron, manganese, magnesium, and zinc.

They boost testosterone levels in both men and women, and improve their energy, libido, and strength. They also boost sperm production and improve fertility in males. Fildena 100 And Vidalista 20 Help to Improve Men’s Health.

In addition, they help relieve the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). They have been found to be effective in treating BPH by regulating urinary bladder functions and improving prostate health.

Adding pumpkin seeds to your diet can boost your testosterone levels naturally. But remember to consume them in moderation. They can cause bloating and stomach issues if consumed in excess.

6. Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are a rich source of selenium, an essential mineral that boosts testosterone levels. They also contain a variety of other nutrients, including vitamin E and phenols like ellagic acid.

Selenium can also improve your body’s ability to fight inflammation, which is a leading cause of chronic health problems such as cancer. In one study, people who ate 13 grams of granulated, partially defatted Brazil nuts each day for 12 weeks experienced lower inflammation levels than those who took a placebo (25).

The antioxidants in brazil nuts can also help prevent oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. They may also increase your levels of glutathione peroxidase, a key enzyme that fights inflammatory conditions and prevents cellular damage by removing free radicals.

7. Egg Yolks

Egg yolks are one of the best foods you can eat for boosting your testosterone levels naturally. They are a nutrient-dense source of vitamins, minerals and fat-soluble carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin.

They also contain a healthy amount of cholesterol, protein and vitamin D. Eating eggs 1–2 times per day can help increase your testosterone production naturally.

It has been proven that egg yolks increase the production of mTOR (muscle-specific tyrosine kinase), which is important for muscle growth and development.

In addition to being a great way to increase your testosterone, egg yolks are also a great source of vitamin D and phosphorus. These nutrients are often deficient in men, so eating more of them can help boost your testosterone levels and improve overall health.

8. Oysters

Oysters are a type of bivalve mollusk that live in salt water. They have two shells that are connected by a hinge.

Oysters filter nutrients and waste from the sea water. This is done by swallowing food and exhaling sand, silt, algae, and other materials.

The resulting mucus is collected in a cavity in their shell, along with items called pseudofaeces, which the oyster can’t digest.

Oysters are a great source of zinc, which is essential for male development and can help keep testosterone levels in check. They also contain vitamins B12 and D, which have antioxidant effects.

9. Shrimp

Shrimp is a great way to boost your testosterone levels naturally because it is full of healthy omega-3 fatty acids and zinc. It also contains a protein that helps in building muscle.

Another benefit of shrimp is that it is a good source of vitamin D, which is an essential ingredient for testosterone production.

Zinc plays a crucial role in testosterone production by influencing an enzyme called aromatase that converts testosterone to estrogen. Deficiencies of this mineral are linked to low testosterone levels, so make sure you get enough from your diet.

Garlic can also boost your testosterone level by reducing cortisol, which is a stress hormone. You can include garlic in your meals or eat it separately to help boost your testosterone naturally.

10. Beef

Beef is a great source of testosterone-friendly nutrients such as zinc and vitamin D. But it’s important to choose lean cuts and don’t eat too much.

In fact, too much red meat can lead to health concerns including cancers.

The best way to keep your hormone levels high is to avoid eating processed foods and to eat a well-balanced diet of natural food sources.

In addition to beef, other foods that can boost your testosterone levels naturally include tuna, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, and kale, and fortified cereals. These foods are all high in vitamin D and zinc, which help the body absorb calcium and naturally increase testosterone.

